Malayaga Makkal Ondrium

மலையக மக்கள் ஒன்றியம்

  • Charity Reg No


  • 20 Oct 2016

Haputale flood Relief

Malayaga Makkal Ondrium is an esteemed non-governmental organization (NGO) with a strong humanitarian focus, committed to providing aid and support to vulnerable communities in need. In 2016, when the Kalupana Estate in Haputale, Sri Lanka, was struck by devastating floods, Malayaga Makkal Ondrium rose to the occasion, exemplifying their dedication to alleviating human suffering and making a positive impact on people's lives.

The floods in Kalupana Estate caused widespread destruction, leaving many families displaced, homes damaged, and livelihoods disrupted. Recognizing the urgent need for assistance, Malayaga Makkal Ondrium promptly mobilized their resources and initiated a flood relief campaign to extend a helping hand to the affected residents.

The NGO took swift action to gather donations and funds from various sources to support their relief efforts. Through their network of volunteers and supporters, they were able to accumulate donations worth £1000, which played a pivotal role in aiding the flood-affected community.

The £1000 worth of donations were channeled towards providing essential supplies and support to the residents of Kalupana Estate. These supplies included food, clean drinking water, clothing, medical supplies, and other necessities crucial for survival and recovery in the aftermath of the disaster.

Malayaga Makkal Ondrium's relief team worked tirelessly to ensure that the donations reached the hands of those in need. Their commitment to efficient distribution and fair allocation of resources ensured that the aid benefitted as many affected families as possible, making a significant difference in their lives during their time of distress.

Beyond the immediate relief efforts, the NGO also engaged in long-term rehabilitation and community-building initiatives. They collaborated with local authorities and stakeholders to facilitate the rehabilitation and reconstruction of damaged homes and infrastructure, helping the community regain stability and resilience.

Through their compassion, dedication, and efficient use of resources, Malayaga Makkal Ondrium demonstrated their unwavering commitment to serving humanity and empowering vulnerable communities. Their efforts in providing donations worth £1000 for flood relief in Kalupana Estate, Haputale, Sri Lanka, in 2016 showcased the true spirit of humanitarianism and the ability of NGOs to make a positive impact in times of crisis. Their work continues to inspire others to contribute to the betterment of society and to extend a helping hand to those in need.